
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I am going to say it anyway.

I hate pedophiles.

There, I said it.

In fact, as I sit here waiting for the stitches to heal by my surgically-implanted vagina, I only wish that pedophiles all suffered 98439843894389349843 times the pain I have right now.

Pedos will also leave in ambulances.

The other day as I was riding the bus home from the gender reassignment clinic, I heard these two cisgendered pedophiles talking about how hot Britney Spears was in 1999. It made my surgically-implanted uterus turn.

Britney Spears was only 17-years-old in 1999. She was a literal child, and these grown ass men were talking about her “tits” and “ass.” Hello, FBI?

Normal, well-adjusted adults do not find girls under 18 attractive. In fact, if you’re a grown ass man, you should not be looking at any women more than a few years younger than you. It’s gross.

Aside from the power imbalance, there’s the fact that your age is your age, and it’s objective fact. Adults have different brains than teenagers. It’s biology. All adults are more mentally and emotionally mature than teenagers.

It’s not so simple with gender. I know I’m a woman because I have a woman’s brain, unlike cisgendered men. I may have been born with a penis and testicles, but those were a mistake, and I do not identify as a man. I’m a normal, well-adjusted woman. That’s why I had my genitals adjusted.

If you find this literal CHILD attractive, you are a sicko and should be executed.

I don’t know where pedophiles get the idea that it’s OK to find any girls under 18 attractive, but this is NOT OK, and it is NOT NORMAL. Pedophiles are disgusting WEIRDOS.

Published by Sacrificial Pawns

We're willing to be the sacrificial pawns in this rigged game, even though we know it's a lost cause.

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