
Contrary to popular belief, it is not women who are the most victimized by sexual assault.

In fact, women are actually by far and away the most common perpetrators of this heinous act.

After complaining about being catcalled, women proceed to call their cats.

So they can tongue kiss them, that is.

That’s the kind of catcalling we ought to be concerned about.

Ladies, repeat after me:

Pets. 👏 Cannot. 👏 Consent. 👏

How has that fact never occurred to you?

As everyone knows, human children are incapable of consenting to anything whatsoever. Even if they’re 17, an adult engaging in any kind of sexual contact with them – even if the child initiates it – is guilty of literal rape or child molestation.

So just imagine how inappropriate it is to engage in this kind of behavior with one’s pets, whose brains are nowhere near as advanced as those of most children.

If you’re an adult and you stick your tongue in a teenager’s mouth, you go to jail.

Yet somehow you think it’s OK to do this to a puppy?

I don’t know about you, but I’m interested in defending those who can’t defend themselves. And who is more vulnerable than dogs and cats? They can’t even speak for themselves.

This is toxic femininity at its worst. It’s feminine nurturing taken to an evil extreme. A woman sees a cute animal and, thanks to her self-entitlement, thinks of it as her child when it isn’t.

It’s sad that it takes being an ugly man to stop women from putting their paws all over you.

Women do this because they know that pets can’t fight back. They enjoy the power they have over pets, which is despicable and disgusting.

Even the word, “pet,” has power imbalance implications. Humans use it colloquially to refer to people who are subservient to others.

So let’s put an end to these atrocities.

Ladies, I hope this thought gives you pause the next time you think about touching their paws: If you believe in reincarnation, many of these pets were ugly human males in a previous life. Poor ones.

Published by Sacrificial Pawns

We're willing to be the sacrificial pawns in this rigged game, even though we know it's a lost cause.

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