
“Shhhh! I’m trying to watch the movie,” exclaimed Kim, Noah’s mother.

“Could you please stop talking? My 3-year-old desperately wanted to see this movie, and you’re ruining it for him!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” replied Jennifer, Oliver’s mother. “I was just trying to explain the plot to my 6-year-old. I’ll be quiet now.”

“Mom, can we go?” asked an impatient Oliver.

“Ollie, what do I keep telling you about this? It’s Mommy. And you’ve been begging me to see this for weeks!”

“No, you kept telling me you wanted to see it, Mom…Mommy.”

“Stop being such a baby. You’re a big boy now. If you want me to get you that stuffed bunny, you’ll behave,” replied an exasperated Jennifer.

“Bunny? But I wanted a football…”

“Shhhh! This is my favorite part! It’s so cute!”

12 Years Later…

Oliver’s graduation ceremony has just concluded, and he’s standing outside his high school building with his dad, Rick. His dad thinks it’s time they have a serious talk about Oliver’s future plans, since he still hasn’t picked out a college to attend.

“You know, I know you’ve been worried about what’s next. I think we should discu-“…Oliver’s phone vibrates. It’s a message from his mom, who is waiting for them in the car.

“Is that your mother? You’d better get that. She’s really steamed at me for not getting her decaf before she got up. I’m in the doghouse,” notes a distraught Rick.

4 Years Later…

Published by Sacrificial Pawns

We're willing to be the sacrificial pawns in this rigged game, even though we know it's a lost cause.

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