Met Their Match

Cenk Uygur and Cathy Newman matched on Tinder and are on their first date after their divorces from their “narc” exes.

Uygur: So…nice to finally get a chance to sit down with you. What I’m looking for right now is a woman who will be up front about her intentions. I don’t like jumping through hoops for women who make it seem like sex is some kind of reward that they’ll begrudgingly allow me to have on rare occasions. I guess what I’m really trying to say is I’m tired of getting only a drop of pussy, and I want to jump into the whole ocean.

Newman: So what you’re saying is you see me as nothing more than a walking vagina?

Uygur: In other words, what you’re saying is you are going to use me for free meals and never put out.

Newman: So what you’re saying is I don’t have a job?

Uygur: In other words, since you have a job, you’re saying it’s OK for you to lead men on and treat them like they’re beneath you.

Newman: So what you’re saying is men never lead women on or treat them like they’re beneath them.

Uygur: So in other words, since I’m a man, this means I’m going to treat you badly and I think you’re an object.

Newman: So what you’re saying is you think you’re perfect and have never said or done anything you regret in a relationship? It’s always the woman’s fault?

Uygur: In other words, I’m responsible for my divorce, and my wife never put out because I’m a total jerk?

Newman: You’re saying you should be allowed to be a total jerk and your wife should have sex with you no matter what?

Uygur: In other words, you had a hidden camera in my house and observed the relationship between my wife and me, so you know my wife was perfect and I was to blame for all of the conflict.

Newman: So what you’re saying is I need a hidden camera in your house in order to even suggest that you’re not absolutely perfect?

Uygur: So in other words, saying my wife is absolutely perfect and blameless is merely “suggesting that I’m not absolutely perfect.”

Newman: So you’re saying me suggesting you’re not absolutely perfect was really me saying your wife was absolutely perfect and blameless?

Uygur: …Wow. We seem to be stuck here.

Newman: So what you’re saying is we both misrepresented what the other said?

Uygur: So what you’re saying is what you’re saying I’m saying is not what I’m saying?

Newman: In other words, “in other words” is other words for other words.

Published by Sacrificial Pawns

We're willing to be the sacrificial pawns in this rigged game, even though we know it's a lost cause.

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