Fake Ass White SJWs on some Cryptoracist Type Shit

Some of you may have noticed white SJWs talking like black people lately.

This trend has made its way up to the highest levels of corporate America. Companies like McDonald’s are now full-fledged wiggers:

Burger King has also turned into a female SJW wigger-millennial:

I predict that this will hit political America, too. This will be similar to AOC’s speech if she’s elected president in 2024:

So where does the wiggerspeak come from? I have two hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Concise = Witty

It’s almost as if white, college-educated SJWs have concluded that concise language is witty. If a lot of information is expressed in very few words, it’s automatically witty.

And then they’ve had a look at black Twitter and thought, “Hm, it’s interesting how these gorillas sometimes say things using less words/letters than us smarter whites would use. For example, when they want to say, ‘He has confidence,’ they say, ‘he got swag.’ When they want to say, ‘He is angry,’ they say, ‘he mad.’ When they want to say, ‘You’re all crazy,’ they say, ‘y’all nuts.’”

And then they think, “It’s just a shame these gorillas can’t convey complex ideas like us whites can. Oh wait! I have an idea: if I can take complex ‘white’ ideas like calculus and dialectical materialism and package them in terse Ebonics, then I’d be communicating a lot of information in very few words and I would hence be really witty! I’ve found a new way for white people to be clever!”

So you get a bunch of white SJWs saying things like:

differential calculus be like: im hard af yall 
integral calculus be like: hold my beer 

dat hegelian critique of kantian ethics in chapter 2 tho. dat categorical imperative refutation be lit >>>

man does marx always gotta betray unconscious patriarchal biases like??? ima lose it for real cuz the economic analysis is always on point

tfw when ur reading platos republic and u realize aristotle was for real just an old crusty ass axiomatically trash white mf tryna brand cryptomisogyny as philosophy

if yall still excusing misogyny in 2021 i aint tryna hear it. fuck outta here with ur rape apologetics

This is revolting, since not only is it patronizing and racist, it’s also hypocritical, due to the fact that they’re “culturally appropriating” black language.

Hypothesis 2: Insincere faux-reverence

The other thought I have is they may be doing the same faux-reverence thing they do when they pretend to take rap music seriously. “Let’s see what the niggers are up to and then be sure to treat it with the same respect we treat anything whites come up with.” They’re trying to merge black culture with white culture in an effort to promote equality, despite the fact they know using Ebonics is a sign of either poor education or rebellion against white people. Or, as is the case with Eminem, it’s to fit in with black people. But since they do this for mostly white audiences, it’s clearly not the latter.

So they either are genuinely shallow idiots who think saying things in fewer words automatically means, “witty,” or they know damn well that’s not the case, and simply want to pretend Ebonics are on the same level as educated white language.


😂 I want you to think that what you said is so laughably stupid that I’m literally crying with laughter.

😂 In reality, I am crying without laughter. On the inside.

😂 What is really going on is captured in this meme that someone posted on Reddit:

😂 And in this meme:

😂 This is the defense mechanism Hillary Clinton was using in her debates with Trump.

😂 The sad clown copes with his pain by making people laugh.

😂 I cope with my pain by pretending to laugh.

She’s in Hell.

😂 There’s no way that I’m even smiling in my living room when I use this emoji on Twitter.

😂 My real facial expression is deadpan because there’s nothing remotely funny about what you said.

😂 People actually cry with laughter when they hear or see something completely absurd.

😂 But there’s nothing weird about what you said. I am mocking a common opinion.

This tactic is dated. It no longer holds up.

😂 This emoji is a symbol of my dishonesty.

😂 It is the quickest way for someone on the internet to signal that they are a lying lunatic.

😂 I was taught to assert dominance in conversation by derisively laughing at opinions I disagree with.

😂 Comedians like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and John Oliver and commentators like Michael Brooks and Sam Seder fill my empty brain with computer programs.

😂 And when Pavlov presents me with a stimulus, I execute the instructions in derisive_laughter.exe.

😂 And snide_sneering_snarcasm.exe.

😂 The only reason people like me are still using this emoji is because culture hasn’t yet laughed it out of existence.

😂 When culture starts laughing (😂), I stop laughing (😐).

😂 When culture updates its software, I update mine.

It’s over.

(Credit to Michael Malice. I borrowed some of his open-source anti-sneering software.)

Cosmic Justice Warriors: When Fair Meets Equal

I’m a good person and I’m in pain. 

You’re a good person and you’re not in pain. 

I am worried that your roof may never collapse on you. Or that you may never get cancer. Or that you may never be arrested or impoverished. In general, I am worried that you will never feel the pain I feel.

Why am I worried? Because that would mean that God was never as cruel to you as he was to me, which would mean the world is unfair. That prospect terrifies me. I need to live in a fair world. I cannot bear to live in an unfair one. I’m too special to be treated unfairly.

So, in order to satisfy my need for a fair world and cope with my fear and pain, I am going to be cruel to you. Through my cruelty, I will be exacting cosmic justice on God’s behalf. My cruelty will be a surrogate for the disease, poverty and disaster that I fear may never strike you. 

You fucking racist Nazi garbage. You mansplaining, emotionally fragile, narcissistic rapist. Wear a fucking mask, you sexist manchild autist incel virgin creep. Your dick is tiny, you school-shooting, fascist piece of shit. Kill yourself. 

Mmm. You’re crying. Good. I will have a bath in your male tears and piss on Rush Limbaugh’s grave. Hurt egos are funny. 

…And yet, I’m still in pain. And you’re not as hurt as I am. So the world is still unfair. 

So I’m out for even more blood. And my blood lust won’t be satisfied until God either subtracts enough pain from me or adds enough pain to you. 

I will not stop being cruel until I have convinced myself that the world is fair.

To make a devil of an angel, add pain and subtract power. Throw them out of Heaven and into Hell. Satan was once a saint.

Scientists: No Evidence to Support Scientific Method

Researchers at the Institute of California-Homosexual say that the scientific method may work, but there is no evidence to suggest that it does.

“Since you can’t use the scientific method to validate the scientific method, it is unclear whether or not the scientific method is the method we should be using,” said Peter Faggot, Director of Research. “It’s possible that all of the conclusions we have drawn as a result of the scientific method were actually false, because the scientific method doesn’t prove anything. Our hypothesis is that the scientific method works, but we are operating on an assumption that it does work whenever we test hypotheses with it. However, in order to have support that it works, we have to presume that a large number of our conclusions were, in fact, correct, and that the scientific method has not consistently led us to false conclusions, despite how it otherwise appeared.”

Students at the University of California-Homosexual are unconvinced.

“I fucking love science,” said Sethanie Tranz, senior, gender studies. “Look at all science gave us. Today, I am going to sit inside and text my friends on my smartphone. Then, I’m going to eat some processed food for dinner. Then, I’m going to read the latest news on the internet about the coronavirus and how this is the New Normal. None of this would be possible without science. If not for science, I would probably be out in nature, getting exposed to Covid-19, oblivious to the fact that it’s better to stay inside for the rest of my life than risk catching this virus.”

Scientists urge the unwashed masses to remember that there is also currently no evidence to support that the scientific method doesn’t work.

“There is no evidence to suggest the scientific method can be harmful for society,” said Faggot. “There has been some speculation that sticking to the scientific method in the face of seemingly obvious intuitive conclusions can be harmful, and that science can not address moral concerns, but those speculations are unfounded. There is evidence that may suggest that there is evidence that may suggest evidence that may suggest, but we just don’t have enough evidence to support the evidence of those suggestions right now. Maybe in the future we may have some evidence to suggest this.”

But We’re Talking About You

People often ask me what I think of skeptics.

When it comes to skeptics, let’s just say that I’m skeptical.

You don’t have to make an argument? You don’t have to form an opinion? Do you even have to think?

Now, you may claim that you’re a skeptic, but I don’t see any evidence to support your claim. If you don’t provide evidence of your skepticism, I will dismiss everything you say.

After all, I deal with facts and logic. I believe in empiricism and reason.

And since it’s impossible to know anything about anything, including knowing that it’s impossible to know anything about anything, and knowing that it’s impossible to know that it’s impossible to know anything about anything…

I just don’t see how you can prove you’re a skeptic. It seems to be based on sophistry.

Remember, you claimed that you don’t make any claims. That’s a claim. The burden of proof is on you.

Your debate tactics are almost as bad as the film reviews you write.

Kids React To…Age Of Consent Law (Listen To the Children)

Governor: I’m glad y’all could join us. We really need your wisdom to help us address these controversial issues. I have always said that when it comes to running the world, we really ought to be listening to the children. They are our future, after all. Kids are much smarter than we give them credit for. How are y’all doing today?

Billy (age 5): Um…you said we would get candy? Are we gonna get Hershey bars?

Tina (age 8): Shut up, Billy! Don’t talk out of turn, duh!

Greg (age 8): He’s not talking out of turn, duh! The governor asked us to talk.

Amber (age 3): We’re getting off tracked. Um…guys…um…if we want, um….the candy….um….we need….the candy we need to um….we need to for the candy, we need um….

Greg (age 8): Governor, you said you wanted to ask us something.

Governor: Well, let’s let Amber finish. It’s very important that we all listen to each other. Go ahead, Amber.

Amber (age 3): Huh?

Tina (age 8): She doesn’t rememberrrrr.

Amber (age 3): I um…the candy, um…the candy…the candy….um…the candy….to get candy, um, we need…the candy we need to get…

Tina (age 8): Excuse me, but governor, what did you want to ask us?

Governor: Well, I guess it’s time I make it clear why I brought y’all here. There has been a lot of talk as of late about what age it is appropriate for a minor – those who are under 18 years of age – to be able to consent to sexual activity with an adult. Some say it should never be acceptable, whereas others argue the law should not be so strict about younger adults being with, say, 16-year-olds. So what do y’all think? I am eager to hear your opinions. It is very important that we consider the views of the children when it comes to all matters.

Greg (age 8): Ewwww! You’re asking us about doing it!

Tina (age 8): You’re so immature, Greg! When mommies and daddies love each other very much and they want to have a baby, they have sex.

Governor: Very interesting! I would like your thoughts on age of consent if you don’t mind.

Tina (age 8): When you’re a grown up. You gotta be mature before you have sex.

Governor: Very astute analysis, Tina. How about the rest of y’all. Do the rest of y’all agree with Tina?

*Greg and Billy nod*

Amber (age 3): Actually, on the contrary, I think it is illogical to create an arbitrary age of consent, as it is based on this unproven notion that sexual activity is of greater consequence than other decisions minors make which we don’t regulate. For example, if a minor breaks the law, we hold him or her accountable. If it is a particularly egregious violation, he or she can even be tried as an adult. Furthermore, it appears to me that there is a stunning incongruity with the fact that after puberty, adolescents are actually capable of raping adults. There have actually been cases where adolescents did, in fact, rape adults. Do we not hold them responsible based on the notion that minors can’t consent to sexual activity? This seems preposterous to me. Perhaps we would be better served to discourage certain inappropriate relationships without involving the legal system or using the term, “rape.”

Governor: Shut up, Amber, you dumb bitch.

You Selfish Asshole

Only selfish assholes don’t wear masks. You’re not wearing a mask, which makes you a selfish asshole. You’re literally a sociopath. You have no empathy.

And you went outside and had a social gathering? No words.

“bUt MuH fReEdOmS!” You’re like a child rebelling against his parents because you “don’t wanna.”

Imagine caring about the government dictating everything you do in your life.

You just want to go to your shitty bars and restaurants and see your racist friends.

I bet you’re one of those Trump supporter retards who calls mentally disabled people, “retards.” You’re probably a monster who believes in eugenics.

I’ll bet you’re also an anti-vaxxer!

So let me just make this clear to you: If and when a vaccine comes out, I am going to get vaccinated. And then I’m done. You are not my concern. If you’re too much of a retard to trust the experts and protect yourself with a brand new mRNA vaccine, knowing that nothing in medical science has ever been thought to be safe before being pulled off the market, it’s your own fault.

I’m not going to get vaccinated and then miss out on my favorite bars and restaurants because you’re a retard. I’m going to see my friends, and if I’m an asymptomatic carrier of the virus and you catch it from me, that’s your own fault, and I will feel no sympathy. Darwin Awards.

Who gives a shit about retards like you? Not me.


“There will also be no New Age lingo spoken here tonight. No support group jargon from the Human Potential Movement. For instance…I will not share anything with you. I will not relate to you and you will not identify with me. I will give you no input, and I will expect no feedback. This will not be a learning experience, nor will it be a growth period. There’ll be no sharing, no caring, no birthing, no bonding, no parenting, no nurturing. We will not establish a relationship, we will not have any meaningful dialogue, and we definitely will not spend any quality time. We will not be supportive of one another so we can get in touch with our feelings in order to feel good about ourselves. And if you’re one of those people who needs a little space, please…go the fuck outside!”

Right now, your IRL is under siege.


Toxins. They’re all around you.

Everything is toxic.

The toxins you need to worry most about, though, are bad ideas.

Bad ideas can literally poison you. They can literally infect you. They can literally be inhaled or ingested, be absorbed into your blood stream, and go straight through the blood-brain barrier and cause you to vote for Donald Trump.

But this transcends politics. Toxic thoughts poison discussions of all kinds. They can make you emotionally abusive to everyone around you.

That’s why all across the country, healthy, well-adjusted people are well-adjusting their thoughts and behaviors in therapy, where they sit on a leather couch and well-adjust their genitals. Therapy literally gives them the tools they need to fix their toxic mindsets so that they themselves don’t become toxic.

Because once someone is toxic, there is nothing more that anyone can do for them. They are now the type of person you need to get out of your life. You don’t need that kind of toxicity in your life.

After all, you want to expel toxins.

Like this:

You don’t want to inhale or absorb their toxic thoughts and have them become your own.

This is how IRL works:

So what steps can you take to avoid the toxic ideas that cause thoughts full of toxicity?

Well, for one, you can avoid toxic echo chambers. This means avoiding toxic internet communities.

If you see an internet community that uses the word, “men’s,” and it doesn’t include the word, “feminism,” close tab.

Same goes for if you come across something that uses the word, “white,” and it doesn’t also include words like, “privilege.”

You can also remember that the hippies were right about everything, and that Western Medicine and Big Pharma are poisoning all of us.

Stop being toxic, maaaaaaaan.

And most of all, always remember the following: The safest place you can be to avoid toxins is indoors.


…but if you absolutely have to go outdoors, be sure to take the necessary precautions.

Hide and Seek

Critical Race Theorist meets Racism in a park.

Critical Race Theorist: Hi Racism.

Racism: Hi Critical Race Theorist. Let’s play a game of Hide and Seek.

Critical Race Theory: Okay. Who’s hiding?

Racism: Me, of course! I’m always hiding. And you’re always seeking!

Critical Race Theorist: Okay. I’ll give you ten seconds to hide (Closes his eyes) 10…9…8…(Racism runs away and hides in a white guy’s stand up comedy routine)…7…6…5…(Racism changes its mind and hides in a white guy’s song instead)…4…3…2…1…

(Critical Race Theorist opens his eyes.)

Critical Race Theorist: Ready or not, here I come!

(Critical Race Theorist looks in a dumpster and finds a bunch of dead white babies with the phrases “White Trash” and “Black Lives Matter” carved into their rotting flesh.)

Critical Race Theorist: Hmm. Nope. Racism is not here!

(Racism changes its mind again and hides in a White Man’s Gambit article.)

(Critical Race Theorist hears a Lord Jamar, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg and Royce Da 5’9 song called “The Cracker Attacker,” in which they murder 29343343303409303493 white people.)

Critical Race Theorist: Hmm. Nope. Racism is not here either!

(Racism changes its mind again and hides in another location.)

(Critical Race Theorist goes to a zoo and finds 100 white people locked in a cage. A black zookeeper walks up to the cage and shoots them all in the head, one by one.)

Critical Race Theorist: Goddamnit! I give up trying to find you, Racism! Where are you?

(Racism emerges from a white guy’s dreadlocks.)

Racism: I’m here, you dumb nigger.

The Cringe Awards

Host: Welcome to The Cringe Awards, where we award people around the world for feeling secondhand embarrassment when other people earnestly put themselves out there! I’m your ironic host, Terry Fide. I apologize in advance if I say anything unironically tonight! (Crowd laughs ironically.) And now, without further ado, here are the nominees! (“Without further ado” was a bit of a cringy cliche, sorry.)

Pink opened the awards ceremony with Kelly Clarkson as the pair performed a rendition of R.E.M’s 1992 classic 'Everybody Hurts'
This sketch will be called “cringey.”

Nominee #1: i_just_kant! I_just_kant has cringed at an impressive 24 videos this year. He hides behind an anonymous alias on Reddit and was too scared to come to the show tonight, since he is worried about making a cringy, tearful acceptance speech and getting dunked on online. His bio on his anonymous Twitter account says that if he can cringe at 2000 jokes and movies in his life without ever making any himself, he will die a happy and accomplished man!

Nominee #2: IronyBro. IronyBro has been cringing at things all his life. He crawled out of his mother’s vagina and cringed at the doctor for unironically assigning him a sex that doesn’t exist. He has a world-class facepalming technique and not a single person on the planet knows anything about his soul. His biggest fear is looking foolish in public, so he lives in a bunker 60,000 meters below the ground. He has many, many timid fans online who all aspire to be as ashamed as he is about everything!

Nominee #3: Our third and final nominee is Jaded_Nihilist. The only thing Jaded_Nihilist cares about is never being seen to care about anything. He spends his time reading books that don’t matter about how books don’t matter. In third grade, Jaded_Nihilist stood up in front of class and said, “When I grow up, I want to be meta on the internet! I want to make jokes about jokes and art that mocks other art!” He learned the art of snark from his mentor, @Some_Cynical_Douche_on_Twitter, and spent 20 years in a temple in Tibet, perfecting his condescending sneer and haughty demeanor. I will never forget that time online when he removed all nuance from a famous author’s entire body of work and unfairly reduced it to a single sentence beginning with “hay guyz.”

Host: And the winner is…(Opens the envelope)…IronyBro!

(IronyBro gets up out of his seat without celebrating, walks onto the stage while looking at his phone and accepts his trophy passively.)

IronyBro: Lol, thanks, I guess? I didn’t even want to show up tonight, since it’s embarrassing to go to award shows in a post-award show era, but I guess I can come up with a Care speech on the fly. Hm. Let’s see how many award show tropes I can reference to show you how aware I am of cliches. I’d like to ironically thank the Irony, Sarcasm and Meta gods for existing and unironically thank the Christian god for not existing. I’d like to thank all the rednecks in the South for being racist, sexist, dumb and bad humans. But hey, on an unironic note (sorry): all I ever wanted to be in life was skeptical. It takes a lot of effort and intelligence to hear people make claims and dismiss them. No, really. Think of all the signals that your nervous system has to send your eyes to make them roll and think of how much work your motor neurons have to do to make your lips smirk derisively.

Okay, TLDW: I dare to dream of a future where kids don’t dare to dream. I want to be remembered as the guy who didn’t want to be remembered. So lay low, play it safe and try not to ever try, since you’re either going to win or lose, which makes you a loser either way. And a cringey one, at that! #callbackhumor

The SS Cringe. Word to Douglas Murray.
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